
New York fake ID

In order to do our best to ensure your privacy and safety, we use professional and advanced systems and management methods to handle your orders in a black box. However, we transmit orders from the website to the factory. The whole process is electronic, and the information is encrypt to ensure that the information is not leak. At the same time, we have to format the order information every once in a while to ensure that the customer information leaves no trace.

Available options: Driver’s license and state identification.

Printing Material: The ID card comes printed on an improved version of Polycarbonate material. to make sure that it will bend like a real id when twisted by Bouncers at bars or clubs.

Validity: The validation period gives you two options to select a 5 or 6 years duration.

Template in use: We don’t doubt that many other fake id websites are advertising and making this particular card. But most fail even to clone the template itself let alone passing a scanning device. We craft the template from scratch making sure we do not miss a minute security feature.

Security Replications:

  • The sound of the card, when dropped at the floor, should resemble that of a CD or a metallic object. The material that we use will replicate this unique feature.
  • The photo on the front of the cardholder is laser-engraved.
  • We use Tactile printing technique to print license specifications such as the ID Number, birth, and expiry dates along with the signature.
  • The top right and left edges of the card comes with rainbow styled printing.
  • A window on the right bottom has a laser-engraved ghost image of the license holder.
  • A wavy pattern comprising of the name of the cardholder is visible below the duplicate ghost photo on the lower right.
  • The text “NY” is printed in UV Ink repeating, the map and pattern of lines are in UV and visible only under ultraviolet light.

Scannable Features:

  • The back comes with Scannable one and two-dimensional barcodes passing the necessary license credentials to the scanning and reading devices. buy New York fake ID


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